Business Transactions

The purchase, sale, divestiture, or merger of a business is a tedious process and is best assisted by a team of competent professionals. Starting with the identification of the appropriate buyer or target company to the structure of the transaction, determining the value added to the surviving shareholders, the deal structure, the due diligence process, and the tax implications, UAF is positioned to be one of the integral participants on the transaction team working closely with your attorney towards a smooth business transaction.

BMC has experience in providing business transaction assistance, and collectively the team has been involved with hundreds of transactions, assisting with any number of the following transaction steps:

  • Assistance with the identification of suitable buyers or sellers
  • Feasibility analysis of the transaction
  • Value of the transaction
  • Due diligence, quality of earnings
  • Input on deal structure (document review and financial schedule preparation)
  • Tax implications and structure
  • Post-transaction integration
  • Pre-sale planning (value creation, financial statement assurance, tax planning)
Do you want to work with us? Feel free to reach out.

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